Posted by: Schuyler R. Thorpe | September 24, 2010

When Did Writing Science Fiction Link Me Directly With Satanism?

Banning books is the most ridiculous and assinine move that the ALA (Assholes For Literature Anomynous) has ever done in its 27-years of existence.

It’s not about freedom of speech that the organization claims to be representing, but a fucking stupid magnet for all the assholes and freakin’ fuckwits out there who are terrified of a few little things like sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll; which are prevalent in the literature of today!

Banning books is about as retarded as banning funding for abortion and denying women their fucking rights to choose!

Why do some people in this fucked up country of ours decide that our equally fucked up government has the right to choose what a woman can and cannot do with her life???

So why do some people feel like it’s their right to tell people what they can and cannot read? Because it has sex, language, and violence?!?

Holy shit, Batman! So does television and movies!!!

But you don’t see these crazy fucktards go out on a limb to ban every movie made since the 1980s–do you?

I certainly haven’t.

And what pisses me off more than anything is the fact that some of these backwards butt-munchers now associate science-fiction and fantasy with the occult, witchcraft, and Satanism!

I’ve been reading and writing science-fiction for most of my life and not once have I ever dabbled in the occult, witchcraft, or Satanism–while I was doing it!


So where do these illiterate chunk-monkeys come up with the idea that science-fiction and fantasy is directly linked with the occult, witchcraft, and Satanism?

Probably the same people whom blindly follow the Tea Party and vote Republican hands down.


They could all be card-carrying members of the Texas Board of Education.

But I am going to continue reading and writing in both genres and these same types of morons can kiss my white American ass when the first book to The Starchild trilogy comes out in a few years.

Because it is science-fiction and fantasy, and it has sex, violence, and language. And if these same peeps want to ban books that I’ve worked my ass off for 11 years to bring to life…?


Schuyler Thorpe

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